Last weekend I slept in on Friday. Then, I went to an NBA game between the Toronto Raptors and the Denver Nuggets on Saturday. Which I really enjoyed. Lastly, I had lunch with my nana, aunt, and cousin on Sunday. Thanks for reading! - Rachel :)
Last weekend I went to the state basketball tournament.
I also ate some great food in Albuquerque. Comment down below what you did last weekend and you might get a shout-out if you did something really cool.- Paxton :0
Last weekend I stayed up late at home and played games. Nothing I do on weekends usually is interesting. But sometimes some family in Albuquerque come down for the weekend. But that doesn’t happen too often.-Nicholy
Last weekend I went out of town to Amarillo
and did lots of things while I was there. I also visited my grandmother. The rest of the time that I had to spare was for sleeping or skating. It was a great weekend. - Ariana
Last weekend I stayed at home and read a lot of books. I read Harry Potter and Stephen King books. Even though I didn’t go out of town I still had a good weekend. I visited my grandparents and got to spend time with my brother. - Lucia
Last weekend i worked and went to Alamogordo to go see my mom. I also went to Ft Sumner to go pick up meat from the taxidermy. That's all I did last weekend - Simon Aragon
Last weekend I had track practice. I also went to the park and played basketball. I watched basketball games on the weekend too - Daymion