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Plans for easter


Hey guys, Rachel here! Today we decided to tell you our Easter plans. My plans always differ if I’m in or out of town. Most of the time I am in town though, when I wake up Easter morning I open my Easter basket that my dad sets up for me with my siblings. Then, I go to church, after church I go to ava’s house and hide Easter eggs. Lastly, I go to my grandma's house and eat, play games, and hunt for Easter eggs. Hopefully you all have a fun enjoyable Easter and as always we’d love to read your responses.

Hey its daymion this easter I will be going to my uncles house. I will eat dinner over there and hangout with my family. Last year i went to my aunts house and hungout with family so this year is a little bit different.

Hey is simon this easter I will be hiding eggs for my nephews we eat my family goes to other families house but I go to my Nabors house then we hangout then i go to my aunts house.

My plans for Easter are to visit a few family members at my aunts. After that me, my sister, and my mom will go back home and hide easter eggs in our backyard to find. The rest of the day we will probably watch movies or play board games. This year's Easter will be way more fun than last year because we stayed home during last year’s Easter. I hope that everyone has a Happy Easter. -Ariana

It's me Paxton and here are my plans for easter. I am going to be with my dad so I will probably spend the majority of the morning riding horses and working the new puppies. After that I will go see my cousins and my uncle. Next I will go eat and then I will go ride again. Comment down below and tell me what you are doing for easter.

Hey it’s me Nicholy and these are my easter plans. What my family usually does is have family from Albuquerque and have an early dinner. Last year we didn’t have family come down but this time we probably will. There’s usually also easter eggs hidden around the house and me and my little brother find them. Easter’s usually pretty fun.

I don’t know if my family and I are going to do very much during Easter. Even though I don’t if we are doing anything, I’ll still get to spend time with my family. We will more than likely go out to eat somewhere and go home for the rest of the day. However, we might go to my grandparents house and also spend some time with them. I hope that everybody enjoys their time with their family on Easter. - Lucia

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